•  honesty with God
Honesty with God.

Do you know the really great thing about being honest with God?

You can.  I can.    We can. . .be honest with God. 

This is God's plan; he not only made it possible but it is what he desires for us.

Doesn't it make sense?  Honesty brought me to God  -- I admitted I was lost, blind and dead in my sin.  I came to the point where I could no longer pretend that things were okay.  Out of answers, I bowed before God in repentance.

God had the answer then -- He provided a Savior, Jesus Christ. 
He has the answer now --
Continue to work out this gift of salvation.

What we have to understand is that a relationship with God is based on truth.  As opposed to religion which is based on pretense or hypocrisy.   Religion is a performance based on self-righteousness in an attempt to impress other people and ourselves that we are okay.  The problem is that all the play acting does not leave time for true, honest relationship with God.

So maybe we could take a moment and ask this question:
    Who am I really trying to impress?
    And if the answer is God, then What impresses God?

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
And to walk humbly with your God.
(Micah 6:8 NIV)